Monday, January 14, 2008


After the holidays and computer troubles, a lost order and many stalkings of the Fed Ex man our JANUARY kits are finally on their way to you!! Thank you for being so patient.
These are gorgeous kits and I hope you find them worth the wait.
Don't forget to share your work our gallery!

Happy Monday everyone!!!

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

The New Self-Addressed

As you can now see, our NEW site is up!! We are so excited to have a new look. We will be offering many new and exciting things, so make sure you check back often.

As with any site launch, we will have to tweak the site over the next week to iron out any problems or glitches. One major difference you may notice is the MESSAGE BOARD link is now linking to the BLOG. Please know, this will be fixed as soon as we can. We hope to have the site "up to par" by the beginning of next week.

Thank you all so much for your patience and support. Happy New Year to All!!
